Turmeric Soup and Tea to Reduce Chronic Pain

recipes 005Turmeric Soup and Tea to Reduce Chronic Pain

Anyone living with Chronic pain due to Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Joint and Muscular injury to name a few knows it can be very debilitating. Chronic pain is caused by inflammation. Reducing the inflammation will reduce some of the pain in the affected area. There are many foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. Many include Ginger, Turmeric, Coconut oil, Leeks, Beets, Green leaf vegetables, High fiber, Garlic and Onions to name a few. Foods that should be avoided if you suffer from Chronic Pain is Wheat, MSG, Caffeine, Sugar, Dairy.

Many people are not aware of the benefits of Leeks. It is a vegetable high in Vita-K,B12,Manganese, Copper, Folate, Vita C, Iron, Calcium, Fiber, Magnesium, Vita E, and Omega 3’s. Looks like another Superfood that has not had much publicity.

Preparing Leeks. Cut off the root end and also about 3-4 inches of the leaves. Peel away top layers of the leaves. Pull apart and rinse under water to remove dirt that may have got stuck inside. Each leaf will pull away easily, you then can bunch together and slice to desired consistency.

Known to have super powers to aid in Obesity, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Several types of Cancers, including Colorectal Cancer.

Anti-Inflammatory Soup:


1 Tbsp Coconut Oil

1 cup Coconut water

3 c Water

2 tbsp Ginger powder

2 tbsp Turmeric powder

2 Chopped green onions

1  Sliced Leek

1 sheet of Roasted seaweed

1 pouch of Chicken broth, or preferred stock. (Not powder broth but homemade from bones or individual made stock pouch.)

Directions:recipes 009

Stir onion and leek into coconut oil, add spices, seaweed, coconut water and water. If you want to add in black pepper,cayenne and cloves for an extra kick add them in as well. Stir well, cover and  simmer for 1 hr. Makes 2-3 servings.recipes 012


Anti-Inflammatory Tea.12592671_10153215674420974_8542078334314808198_n

Slice of ginger

Fresh slice lemon

1 tsp Turmeric

1 tsp Pure honey

Stir well. Let stand to settle before drinking. May add to a teapot and steep for 5 min or longer. Pour gently so not to disturb powder as it can be chalky taste. Also, can add a couple of cloves along with a bag of green tea for added benefit and taste.

Be Aware, Turmeric stains. It is a dye. Use caution and do not spill on porous surfaces or material such as clothing, table cloths, skin. See http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Turmeric-Stains for tips. I tried baking soda with a slice of lemon and rubbed it on the surface and my skin. It helps fade it and will eventually wear off.

Due to the stain effect, I don’t use Turmeric as a liquid as it stains horrible. After eating soup my mouth was stained and could not get it off. My son laughed at me, asking if I ate mustard. lol. I think using it in foods like goulash etc is safer.


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