Tim Horton’s Coffee, Are You Getting What You Pay For?
Tim Hortons Coffee Debunked
Since back in 2014, there has been a theory that Tim Horton’s coffee cups have been ripping people off of their beloved morning coffee. So many videos circulating that the XL coffee fits into a large cup therefore not getting what you pay for. Even today, people say LG and XL are a rip-off. How this all started is beyond me but I even fell for it for a while after seeing the original video, and from then on started buying a medium coffee. So, Are you getting what you pay for with the Tim Horton’s coffee cups?
So I decided to put this theory to the test.
The Test
- Medium coffee $1.67 -14 oz ( Actually a 16 oz )
- Large coffee $1.81 – 20 oz
- Extra Large Coffee $2.00 – 24 oz
Using plastic 1 cup and 1/2 cup measuring cups and blue food coloring I filled the cups to 1 cm from top to where the fill line is at the cup of each cup. Pouring the liquid into a plastic container and measuring the results.
What I found was that each cup contains the correct amount as per stated per ounce.
Medium holds 2 cups which equals 16 oz, The large contains 2.5 cups equals 20 oz and the X-Large contains 3 cups equals 24 0z of liquid. That is 1/2 cup, 4 oz extra of coffee you get per increased size. A final tally is the price between the two is 5 cents, with M-L is a 14-cent difference and the Large to XL is a 19-cent difference.
So which is the better deal?
If you take a closer look the line on the medium is not a true 1 cm like the L and XL so with that being said you get 1/4 cup more. That is “if” they pour to indicated line. I guess that is the issue at hand. If you do not get your coffee poured to the level line then for sure you are NOT getting what you paid for. As for the issue of per ounce NOT getting what you paid for that an XL fits perfectly into a Large is a myth and that conspiracy is debunked.
Maybe the best deal is to make your own Tim Hortons Coffee at home.
Which do you prefer? normal Coffee Pot or a Single Serve Machine using pods?
Ideas on how to spice up your daily coffee from home.