Switch up that boring Cup of Coffee with a Coffee/Tea blend for Better Health. Cofftea!

Do you get tired of Coffee or Tea in the morning?

Why not Switch up that boring Cup of Coffee with a Coffee/Tea blend for Better Health. Cofftea!

It’s simple and gives your coffee a nice earthy fruity flavor. The benefits make it even a better reason to give it a try. Herbal medicines are a way to maintain or improve overall health.


Use Stainless steel pot, Ceramic or a Chinese brewing pot. (Follow instructions on using the Chinese brew pot)

Heat water on the stove to a boil. Let stand 5 minutes. Add ingredients cover and simmer low for 2-4 hrs. DO NOT LET BOIL. This destroys active ingredients in the herbs. Cool.

The water does boil down so I add another 1 cup throughout the cooking time. Strain and add to a glass jar or container. The contents will last up to 3-4 day in the refrigerator. The Chaga and the Reishi can be reused once dry and put away in an open container in the fridge for 1-2 more uses.

In the morning you can heat up 1 Cup of the tea and add it to 1 c of coffee. Add desired cream, and/or sugar. Remember that microwave and boiling can destroy active ingredients so caution is required. Find out how to do up a daily batch here> http://www.internethousewife.com/homemade-herbal-remedy-tea-prevent-cold-flu-amazing-health-benefits/

Health Benefits:

Many of these ingredients hold the similar qualities give or take.

  • Inflammation
  • Cancer-fighting properties.
  • Antiviral/fungal properties.
  • Digestion issues
  • Builds Immune system
  • Antioxidants

I recommend only 1-2 cups of this tea per day. Some ingredients need caution and can have too much of a good thing.


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Homemade Herbal Remedy Tea May Prevent Cold/Flu And Other Amazing Health Benefits
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