Simple prevention and cures for the dreaded hangover
|This post will contain ideas and simple prevention and cures for the dreaded hangover.
Oh, The dreaded hangover. We all hate them. How often have you said, “I will never drink again” The next weekend or function comes along and that pledge is soon forgotten? The next day we are looking for help to cure these common symptoms:
Hangover Symptoms Are:
- Headache/body aches
- Fatigue and weakness
- Thirst
- Nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain
- Poor sleep pattern
- Increased sensitivity to light and sound
- Dizziness (room spinning)
- Shakiness
- Decreased ability to concentrate (focus)
- Mood disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, and irritability
The cause of hangovers is the GABA receptors go into a withdrawal leaving you feeling irritable and anxious, wanting the relaxed feeling the alcohol produced.

How to prevent a hangover?
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure“
While we all seem to look for a cure the day after, why not think about prevention? It just might aid in lessening those dreaded symptoms. What can we do to prevent a hangover?
- A well-balanced diet is key to good health. Poor functioning organs don’t rebound well from stress caused by overindulging.
- Instead of going for that greasy meal after or the next day, eat it before. Studies show it will help coat your stomach as well as help the liver by doing some of the work.
- If you’re not into the unwanted calories try a shooter shot of olive oil. This will help coat your stomach.
- Borage has many benefits. Take one Borage Oil capsule before drinking. A recent study found that it can reduce the effects of a hangover
- Avoid all the sugary mixed drinks as well as mixing multiple drinks.
- Prevention pill Guaranteed to make you feel 50% better or your money back.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. Try adding a glass of water between drinks.
How to cure a hangover?
“the next day”

Ok! So you forgot to prevent, Now what? Here are some at-home remedies: Key nutrients are, Probiotics, Potassium, Vita B, C, and Amino acids. Omega essentials.
- Eat prebiotic-rich foods. MultiStrain Probiotics are best. Such as plain Greek Yogurt. Add some granola, (I use Nature’s Path Hemp Plus Granola.) A splash of pure maple syrup or honey. Greek yogurt is high in Probiotics as well as Vita B and Potassium which aids in the cure.
- Vitamins C, E, and B, and Milk Thistle.
- Goats Milk Cheese. (Great source of probiotics)Whip up some scrambled eggs with some crumbled goat cheese. Eggs are full of amino acids taurine to boost liver function and cysteine breakdown the chemical acetaldehyde which causes headaches.
- Keep it healthy with fruits and vegetables and bread.
- Eat some 100% Pure Cacao Dark Chocolate. Has 4 times the amount of Probiotics than dairy.
- Grab some Walnuts. It contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals such as Vita B, Omega 3, Magnesium, and potassium.
- Eat a Banana.
- Green Algae Chlorella. A superfood is rich in phytonutrients including amino acids, chlorophyll, beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorous, biotin, magnesium, and the B-complex vitamins.
- Sauerkraut and pickles. Preferably without vinegar, which is higher in probiotics. Although some say drinking Pickle juice helps with sodium depletion.
- Nexabiotic Probiotic 23-strain Multi-purpose Supplement or Sedona Labs Iflora Multi-Probiotic Formula are 2 great sources.
Try this Banana Bread recipe with Banana, peanut butter, and cacao.
Hydration is key
Hydrate, Hydrate. Hangovers are caused by dehydration, as well as increased glucose levels. Drink plenty of water, Green tea, Ginger ale, or add fresh ginger to your water ( help with nausea) hot or cold and high Electrolyte drinks will help restore hydration. Alcohol is a big factor in liver disease. It is known that eating 2 avocados per week for 30 days can help Repair liver damage. Pace yourself, The liver will flush out 1 drink every hour naturally.
Things to Avoid :
- Going out for a greasy breakfast won’t do much good after the fact. Although it may feel good at the time it may cause more stomach upset later. Not to mention pack on some extra calories.
- Coffee, drinking a pot of coffee may give you some short-term stimuli, but all it will do is cause excessive dehydration.
- Over drinking. Easier said than done but try to limit your drinking to weekends or social functions.
- Excess sweating. Sweating out the alcohol to detox might seem like a good idea although not recommended. Using a sauna, steam, hot tub, and intense exercise can cause dehydration and cardiac arrhythmia. Get some fresh air by going for a moderate walk and bring a bottle of water along.
- Drinking and driving. Think of your family or other families that a drunk driver can impact. Find a designated driver.
- It is a myth that taking Advil or ibuprofen will help before a night of drinking. May help with a headache the next day.
Do Not Drink And Drive
Always find a designated driver to take you home safe for you and others to see another day.