McGillivary Creek Canyon Hike
How to get to McGillivary Creek?
McGillivary Creek Canyon Hike is located off HWY #1 on the Southside of the HWY just after the Lac Des Arc curve west or East of Deadman’s Flats Eastbound before the big curve. There is no direct entrance Westbound although there is a ditch crossing across from the small parking lot. Use at your own discretion.

What makes McGillivary hike so popular?
The McGillivary Creek Canyon Hike is approx 5km that meanders through a chiseled-out canyon caused by spring/summer runoff erosion which is why it is a winter-only hike. The hike is very rewarding and challenging as it tests your skills by adding a few scramble sections, climbing logs, ropes, and ladders that are there to aid hikers up the steeper pitches.
If the obstacles may scare you there is a way to bypass the canyon by taking the backend of the loop up and back.
The main attraction is the huge boulder wedged in between the canyon wall.

The loop

The trail starts off west down the Trans Canada Trail for 02 km after the first T through a beautiful trail I call the Christmas tree trail. On the left, there will be 2 blue ribbons guiding into the trail. Follow through the bush to another T fork. This is where you can go left to avoid the adventurist path or right up the challenging canyon.
The canyon is stunning as you walk through the blueish grey smooth rock adorned by splashes of green moss throughout the trail.

Once arriving at the boulder it is possible to get atop the rock by following a path just up on the right past the boulder. Caution is advised.
This point may be a nice spot for a well-deserved break, lunch but please be courteous to others by not blocking photos by sitting out of photo range.
The loop back

To find the trail that loops back via ridge is just at the last obstacle as shown in the photo. The trail is a bit steep and can be very slippery. The ridge trail follows the canyon below and features some stunning shots of the mountains as well as a tree Teepee, a popular site on hikes these days.

This hike was wonderful in so many ways. For myself, the challenge was so rewarding however I can honestly say I could not have done it without the help of my fiance and 2 other groups who all stepped up to help one another through the tough areas, and past my comfort zone.
Having Micro Spikes was a MUST to accomplish this hike safely. Scaling the logs and knowing the grip needed was there.
Happy Hiking!!