How to use time wisely to grow your business while balancing work and family
How to use time wisely to grow your business while balancing work and family
An egg timer can be a very valuable tool in your home office or around the house.
If you think timers are best used in the kitchen for cooking your boiled eggs or cooking your favorite meal to perfection, Think again! Although the common purpose is kitchen use, have you ever thought of sitting it on your desk in your home office? Yes, It just may help increase productivity. An egg timer can aid productivity while balancing work and family.
How can an egg timer help?
Bloggers, writers, marketers and even housewives experience writer’s block, lack of focus, distraction and a lack of discipline and feeling overwhelmed.It doesn’t help when you are doing your best to balance a full-time job and fit in some family time.We all suffer it from time to time and sometimes that brick wall keeps getting higher and higher with no breakthroughs. Then you get hit with the dreaded guilt, self-doubt, and soon frustration sets in for wasting time and not getting anything accomplished. I have experienced this too many times to count
Setting a specific time for a task can really help productivity. How can it help? It can get you to focus and get started on the task. Whether it is cleaning the house or working on your computer. Getting started sometimes is the most difficult part.
Let’s say, If you set your timer for 30 minutes. You tell yourself you will give this desired task that allotted time. Once the alarm is set, focus on the task at hand. Giving it 100% of your attention. Remove all distractions, t.v, radio, phone etc. Start the process, whatever it may be, cleaning, sewing, blogging, writing answering emails, and even family time to name a few.
Get started? Do this 3-4 times a day. Start small. Using the Kaizen method, “Achieving success through small steady steps” Removing one block at a time can give you a sense of accomplishment.
Using the Kaizen method
Once you find your groove you can set higher standards. If your goal is to work 6 hours per day, set the timer for 5-1hr sessions, with a 10-20 min, break to do whatever you wish. The session will depend on you. I know I can not sit for long periods of time. I prefer to do short bursts. 30 min sessions are maxing for me. So I prefer to work 4 hrs a day. Then when the alarm goes off, I immediately get up, get a drink or go on my vibration system to restore circulation in my legs. I suffer from pain and inflammation within minutes of sitting or standing for long periods of time.
Turn off all distractions
Remove all distractions by turning off your phone, tv and social media. In the 30 minutes do nothing but research, write, play with your kids, snuggle with your partner. Sometimes, Life gets in the way. If you get unexpected interruption than regroup and start over, but make sure that you give that task the full time and attention.
Slow and steady wins the race
It is all about setting goals and achieving them. If you set even the smallest goal and achieve it you will feel like a million bucks. You will become more confidence and therefore, you will be more apt to continue working and moving forward.
Be kind to yourself
Make time for yourself. You can’t be the best you if you are tired and run down. Take time to relax, take up meditation, go to the gym or just go for a walk and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.
Be grateful for every day, think positive that everything will work out and that abundance of Health, Wealth and Happiness is upon you. Know you are worthy of greatness. BELIEVE and you will RECIEVE! Invest in you, by learning new things about what interest you. Remember, It takes money to make money. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and reinvest in learning tools to enhance and grow your business. Learning is growing. Having multiple streams of income gives you peace of mind that if one project doesn’t reach its full potential than another may. Find what works well for your lifestyle. If you are always short on time having a business that takes you away may not be the best fit but rather finding one you can do solely online may be best.Cheers to success.