How To Pick And Prepare Rose Hips
|How to pick and prepare rose hips for multiple uses and reap the benefits for better health.
What are rose hips?

Rose hips are the bud that is left after the flower has finished its blooming phase. Once the bud has ripened to a dark orange, red color or after the first soft frost they are ready to be picked usually mid to late September although can ripen sooner in extreme heat conditions.

What to do with Rose Hips?
Rose Hips are plentiful where wild roses grow such as in Asia, Europe, and North America.
The most common usage for rose hips is to make tea, however, jams, syrups, sauces are popular as well. Oil can also be made to use topically.
Preparing Rose hips for usage
First, rinse well, cut or pull off the ends. If drying cut in half otherwise whole is fine for mashing.

Drying Rose Hips
To dry, place halved rose hips on a cookie sheet or broiling pan which is great for catching seeds to use for making oil. Place in oven on the lowest setting for appr. 3-4 hrs until fully dried. Occasionally stir or flip to ensure even drying.
A dehydrator is another method for drying.
Lightly rub over the broiler grate to allow more seeds to fall into the tray. No need to remove them all, the remaining seeds are fine to include.
The strained seeds can be added to the making oil process as they carry beneficial ingredients.
Pour the dried rose hips into an air-tight jar or container and store them in the refrigerator for 4 months to a yr.

How to make Rose Hip Tea?

The tea can be made from fresh or dried rose hips.
- Use 1/4 cup fresh whole, mashed or dried rose hips per 1 cup of water.
- In sauce pan add water, bring to boil, turn to simmer and add rose hips cover with lid. Let simmer for minimum of 20 minutes. If making a large amount using a crock pot overnight will get a better result.
- Remember NOT to BOIL as this will decrease useful nutrient benefits.
- Pour into cup using a single strainer to keep tea clear but not neccesary.
- Enjoy!
Making Rose Hip Oil
Find the right carrier oil such as Coconut oil, Jojoba Oil, Almond oil, Olive oil, Avocado oil to name a few. Sweet Almond oil is a good choice, high in Vita E which is also great for the skin.

- Follow how to prepare above.
- Mash using Mortal and Pestle or lightly dice with a Dicer.
- Using ratio 1 part rose hip to 2 part carrier oil.
- Use a Slow cooker on low for 4-8 hours.
- Once ready strain through strainer or cheese cloth.
- Pour into jars or dropper tubes
- Apply 2 drops into fingers, rub together and use where needed. Add a few drops to a bath.
Can’t go picking? That’s ok, find dried Rose Hips Here.
Benefits of Rose Hips
Rose Hips are high in antioxidants, essential fatty acids and rich in vitamins A, C, D, and E.
- Combats UV damage
- Anti Aging
- Reduces scaring, fine lines and wrinkles
- Hydrating
- Anti-Inflammatory properties
- Regenerating properties
- Prevents weight gain
- Increase circulation
- Prevent cancer and other chronic deseases.
- Lower Cholestrol
- Reduce Acne pimples and scaring
- Fight inflammation caused by rhuematoid arthritus pain
- Gigestive issues, Kidney disorders.
- Youthful Skin
Who knew this little pod has so many great benefits. Go out and pick some today. Your body will thank you!