How to get rid of mice in your RV
Nothing worse than pulling your Trailer/Rv out of storage just to find it has been invaded by pesky mice by finding droppings everywhere, a chew hole in your foam and cushions. There are homemade natural remedies as well as repellent and prevention methods on How to get rid of mice in your RV that I will share with you in this blog.
Did you know mice and rats can crawl into the size of a dime?

10 ways to get rid of mice in your RV
- Spray Foam – non-toxic, fire-retardant sealant for all seasons. Use spray foam to fill any cracks or holes in areas where plumbing and wiring enter the RV. Works best in conjunction with steel wool or copper mesh as once dry rodents can chew through foam. Start underneath the carriage then continue inside. Be careful as the foam expands and can make an awful mess.
- Steel Wool – Used for cleaning tough surfaces. Abrasive. Great for use to plug holes and crevasses in RV/trailers etc.
- Copper Mesh – Bacteria free, moldable, and weather resistant. Difficult for rodents to chew. Fill all crakes and holes.
- Rodent Repellents – mouse no more, mouse free (acts as a lubricant and a repellent).
- Dryer sheets – very mixed reviews as the scent fade and mice end up using it for bedding.
- Essential oils – Many oils such as black pepper, cayenne, cloves, lavender, cinnamon, peppermint are known to be deterrents for mice, unfortunately, has short term effects as scent deteriorates over time.
- Mice traps – instant kill traps work well although they need to be changed frequently. the best attractant is cheese whiz, peanut butter, chocolate, bacon fat .as well as the scent of a dead rodent. Once the scent of a dead one is on it there is no need to re-apply, just set and go. Using humane traps is tricky as they attract multiple mice which causes cannibalistic behavior and is very messy and smelly. These humane traps may work better.
- Irish Spring – Grate soap and spread in areas where mice may enter.
- Mothballs – Old fashion mothballs are a chemical pesticide. Toxic
- Natural poisons to rodents – Homemade natural poisons. chocolate, peanut butter, a concoction of cocoa, baking powder, flour/cornflour. Borax mixed in dog/cat food. Bleach repellant.
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