The Healing Power of Sound Frequencies
Is healing with sound frequencies new? Not at all, It has been dated back to ancient times. Does it have the healing power to heal?
What is sound frequency?
Rife Frequencies has dated back to the early 1930″s. Dr. Rife used the Kennedy generator equipment. It generated 12,000 Hz-2 million Hz. For instance, Dr. Rife used 139,200Hz frequency to kill the Anthrax virus and 1,604.000 Hz to kill the Cancer virus. He did not intend to treat the virus’s but kill and revitalize these organisms.
Solfeggio healing tones. Used along with Dr. Rife’s research these ancient miracle healing tones contain meditative music with the appropriate healing frequency embedded within the music. Much of the “Just Intonation” has been lost due to modern tuning practices adapted for the western culture. Today this tuning practice is called” twelve-tone equal temperament”.
Chakra balancing frequencies. This help in different areas such as the seven main chakras. The energy flows for South to North. Starting from:
7.Crown, 6 Brow, 5 Throat, 4 Heart, 3 Solar Plexus, 2 Sacral Plexus, 1 Base. Each requires a unique frequency.
Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones help you get into a relaxation state that is conducive to healing.
There are many u tube videos on this subject. So how do you chose what is right for you? In my research, I found this Ancient Miracle which “was”one of my favorites. There are many that are downright annoying. Eg) U tube for pain Relief. This one for Stress. U tube
In my search, I came across a guy named Michael Tyrrell. Wholetones . His story was interesting to me. While on a mission trip he came back with a diagnosis of a liver parasite that left him very sick. As a musician he looked into this sound frequency to heal him, but as I had found them annoying and agreed that instead of listening to one high-frequency sound he combined it with music. Tuning his guitar to 444 instead of 440. As a result, he was healed but then his Mother became ill with pancreatic Cancer. Michael decided to play his guitar to his mother. Playing a 741 guitar frequency right up to her side while she was awaiting her 4-hour surgery ahead. She drifted off closing her eyes, drifted into a relaxed state. She stated she felt herself healing and as she woke spoke that she had been healed. Michael was not knowing if this were true, The Dr only 15 min into her surgery came out to say your mother has no cancer. Her cancer was gone.
This gave Michael the intention to make this into healing music. All the instruments were tuned to 444 and he combined various frequencies to each song. What he came up with was genius. As he said,”The cherry on the sundae”.
I must say, They are beautiful. Now in which are my favorites.
You know when you listen to your favorite song, it just changes your mood. Maybe listening to the sound of Thunder, Rain, a River or Stream. Each has it’s own sound frequency that can change your mood. A state of the mind tuned with vibration.
Find out 7 health benefits from Michaels Wholetones and what they can do for you. 7 songs 22 min each.
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