Forum Falls & Forum Lake Hike, Waterton AB
|Forum Falls & Forum Lake Hike is a 9 km trail leading up to 3 stunning falls and ending at a cirque lake.
Getting there:
A beautiful windy road through the burned-out forest leads to a dead end at Cameron Lake. Cameron lake is a must-stop before or after this hike. We stopped in the wee hours of the morning to catch a lovely reflection off the water. The trailhead starts at the Akamina parking lot just short of Cameron lake.
The Hike to Forum Falls
The trail to Forum Falls is a nice gentle ascend on a well-established path. You’ll come across a bridge crossing a trickling creek and up ahead a view of Cameron Lake through the non-existing trees that once hid views of the surrounding area.
The 2017 forest fire burned approx 35,000 hectares of land in and around the Waterton Townsite. The burn is tragic, however, looking at the views with a whole new perspective.

Continue hiking until reaching a rock sign indicating the division of the Alberta/British Columbia border. A Y up ahead shows a sign for trails. Just to the right, this trail takes you to a plaque with Alberta engraved on one side and BC on the other.

Back taking the left again will lead up to a ranger station, one of the nicest, cleanest log outhouses I have ever witnessed. Cedar scent was a pleasure. This is also a camp spot for overnight treks.
Up ahead at a T the first falls will be on the right. A short walk to beautiful falls cascading down from deadfall and rock above.
Hike to Forum Lake
Leaving Forum Falls the trail heads uphill for a bit where a couple more falls adorn the trail. Seeing them up close takes you off the trail to get the best views. My favorite part of a hike is searching for water features. The first sound of water sends me chasing it down, usually well worth any effort it may take.

Reaching the first peak the mountain range views are incredible. The trail finally hits a lush treeline where the fire had been pushed back. It is really a nice change to see green again. Another little steam crossing and a wooden footpath wind through a boggy swamp.
The trail now has many larch trees, however, we were just a few short days late to see the wonderful golden yellow colors before finally dropping to the ground.
Winding through the trees the path opens up to a gorgeous cirque lake. A nice place to rest, have some lunch, and head back down.

Overall this Forum falls and Forum lake hike was very pleasing. In all, it took us about 4 hours to complete. It was easy to follow with many wonderful scenic opportunities to take some great photos.
Remember, It’s always important to be prepared when hiking with all the hiking essentials you will need.