Foran Grade Hike From Windy Point Above Sheep River Valley
How to get to Foran Grade trailhead?
The Foran Grade hike can be accessed by either the Foran Grade or Windy Point trailhead. The Alltrails map will guide you to the Foran Grade trailhead West of Turner about 1.6 km from the Sandy Mcnabb recreation area. There is no actual parking lot therefore parking alongside the Hwy seemed to be the most popular point to start this hike.
As this hike gains, popularity parking can get very crazy here so I highly recommend starting the hike from Windy Point down the road where there is a larger roadside pullout just before the big curve making for easier safer parking.
Doing this hike clockwise or counter clockwise is up to you at this point. Clockwise is a bit steeper shorter grade as to counterclockwise which is a gradual longer grade. Either way the views are breathtaking. We chose clockwise.
Windy Point Trailhead
Once parked at the roadside pullout overlooking the sheep river you cross the Hwy, head West and follow the trail which leads to the Windy Point trailhead.
The trail runs along a little creek which if you don’t pay attention can pass it by. I followed the trail leading into the trees and was surprised by the chirping birds’ peacefulness and the sound of trickling water hidden beneath all the deadfall.
The Foran Grade peak
At the peak of the trail, the walk along the ridge is full of 360-degree views. To the west, you can oversee Missing link mountain, The City of Calgary to the North, East foothills, and the beautiful Rocky Mountains to the South West. Along the ridge there are many fallen trees and rocks which is a nice place to rest or have some lunch, you may even get a visit from the local chipmunks who love to sneak up on you from behind. lol

The trail winds down through the prairie fields which leads to the Foran Grade trailhead through a gate. Here is where the trail crosses the Hwy and follows along the sheep river ridge back to the roadside pullout. A nice little path ending the hike overlooking the river.
Horseback riders are a common sight Windy Point Trailhead Trail along the top Calgary in the distance A chipmunk visitor The trail along the peak Taking in the view HWY 546 Sheep River Ridge Foran Grade trailhead Sheep River ridge trail 6.9 km Loop Windy Point to Foran Grade Clockwise Trails end at Windy Point curve
For more hikes and sights, check out Hwy 546 Road-trip blog.
Follow me on Instagram @internethousewife for more adventures. See ya there!