Chester Lake To Elephant Rocks Hike

How to get to Chester Lake?
To find Chester Lake to Elephant Rocks hike head south on Hwy 40 in beautiful Kananaskis Country. Turn right at Kananaskis Lakes Road, Turn right again on Hwy 742, Smith Dorrien/Spray Lakes trail.
Hwy 742 is paved for a short distance then turns to gravel for the remaining distance. This road can get very rough, known to flip vehicles due to the washboard areas, potholes that flatten tires, and is very muddy on rainy days. Beautiful scenery non the less just use caution.
Along this scenic road are many hikes such as Black Prince and Black Shale Suspension Bridge, Burstall Pass, and Lakes to name a few.
Chester Lake To Elephant Rocks Hike
Chester lake hike is roughly a 9.7 km trail however there are so many trails to choose and quite frankly the trail markers are confusing. Our hike ended up being an 11.5 km hike which started to the left of the sign, over the bridge which at the fork took the alternate route up which connects to the main trail. The All trails map shows a trail following the creek which was our intention as this trail is on the right up the high line trail.
When we hike we try to get in and see everything there is to be seen a trail. I guess it depends on what type of hiker you are if you just hit the trail directly to the destination or stop and smell the roses as we do. We are always in search of natural beauty, it really is amazing what you can find when your eyes, nose, and mind are open fully.
Breaks are often needed on this trail as it ascends on a gradual incline for most of the hike. Breathtaking in more ways than one although these breathers are a good time to stop, listen and look around. The scents on this hike that started off on a rainy note were quite intriguing, with a hint of berries, fresh rain, and the aroma of flowers, mosses, and lush forest.
The sounds of trickling water are a sign we will be headed on an adventure to find the most tranquil streams and waterfalls off the beaten path. Of course mindful to keep nature as undisturbed as possible.
Waterfeatures of Chester Lake
Searching out cool water features on hikes for us is key to making our hike the most enjoyable.
Here are 4 that most passed by.

This gem can be found on a switchback curve section, the first major trickling you will hear. It’s a short steep trek down but so worth the little extra effort.

This one is a real hidden gem and because it has no known trail to it I won’t give coordinates as to keep nature here undisturbed as possible. For the adventure type to discover.

A trickling waterfall can be found at the far end of the lake.

This waterfall can be admired on a trail leading out of the Elephant Rocks up to an upper three lake trail which we didn’t get to as we were on a trek to find a couple of smaller ones on another All Trails hike which led us bushwacking to no were. Hoped to do a loop and cut down from a trail in between but was a flop.
Chester Lake

The emerald lake adorned by purple fireweed at its side sits below a beautiful mountainscape. The lake is a great spot to cast a reel in hopes to catch some Cutthroat or Dolly Varden.

The far end of the lake is a trickling waterfall that cascades down from a rocky crevasse. The path is very uneven through the treed side as it may not be easy for some. On a calm day, the mountain reflection is stunning off the water.
The elephant Rocks
Following the path through the trees to the waterfall as mentioned above the trail veers off to the left through the trees and up to the elephant rocks where 2 huge piles of rock sit that seemingly come from nowhere. Many unique shapes and sizes.
The other pile is hidden in the trees to off to the South.
To get to the upper waterfall there is a trail from the first rock pile leading into the next set of trees heading up. Follow for a short way when the sound of water is present. Head toward the creek where colorful flowers sit amidst the beautiful falls.

Heading Back
If you wish to continue on this trail it will take you to three other little lakes as mentioned early in the post. I really wish we had so if your energy is still high I’d say go for it. It will add another 3.5 km to the hike.
Going back the same way or from the second rock pile, there is a trail that takes another route along a dried-up canyon bed back to the lake. Always nice to take a different path to add more value to the hike.
Once back on the main trail we followed the wider winter route back as seen in the map photo.
All in all the Chester Lake to Elephant Rocks hike was very enjoyable. Not a hard hike by any means however with the steady incline did have me stopping to catch my breath quite a few times. Well worth the effort for sure.
Be sure to carry bear spray on any hike even if it’s a short hike. Bears can even surprise you even in a parking lot.
It’s always a good idea to “get the f**k outside” for mental health.
Happy Trails!!
It is across from Chester Lake. 🙂