Best Wireless Noise-Cancelling Earphones For Sleeping
|A good night’s sleep is hard to come by these days and people are finding wireless noise-cancelling earphones to be their savior.

Are noise-cancelling headphones comfortable?
This varies per person however earphones with a silicon tip seem to have a better fit than foam ones. Changing out the tips may be what is needed to get the comfort one needs to fit securely. It is all in getting used to having buds in your ears while sleeping although this is not the case for many individuals who have been listening to devices at night.
Comfort may also come down to the right pillow. A firm pillow will likely be troublesome however something like a microbead pillow where you could mold the beads around the earbuds can be beneficial.
Top 2 Wireless Noise Controlling Headphone Picks:
Sony Wireless xm4 headphones

- Bluetooth
- High-rated sound quality
- Speak-chat technology
- 8-hour battery life.
Bose Wireless Earphones

- Bluetooth
- Soft silicone buds
- Noise rejecting
The Wireless Headband design is a great choice as well.

Don’t like earbuds? Try these.
Sometimes it is to stay with what works. As the saying goes, “if it ain’t broken, Don’t fix it. Earplugs have come a long way with new technology.
Top 2 Noise Cancelling Earplugs
Silicone Earplugs

- Comfortable and easy to use.
- Multi-use for sleep, swimming, travel, snoring, and all noisy environments.
- Carry case.
Loop Noise reduction Earplugs

- Silicone tips
- 4 sizes
- Multi-purpose
- Comfortable and easy to use
- Carry Case
Are wireless earphones safe for sleeping?
Yes, They are radiation-safe, however, listening to music over 60 decibels may cause discomfort and hearing loss over time.
The choices given come down to if listening to music while you sleep is your thing for a good night’s sleep or enjoying total peace and quiet.