8 Habitual Tips For Creating The Perfect Day Everyday
Do you just get up daily and fly by the seat of your pants with no rhyme or reason to your day? This could be why your days never seem to be fulfilling and the feeling of being overwhelmed is a daily occurrence. You come home exhausted, Angry and get up and do it all over again the next day. This is probably a result of having no structure or planning. These 10 habitual tips for creating the perfect day can change that. It won’t happen overnight but over time a habit becomes second nature.
#1 Preparing for your day the night before
This is crucial. Never start a new day without acknowledging activities from the day prior. This allows you to reflect. review, and acknowledge that day and what it brought into your life.
Laying in bed is a great time to do this. You are winding down and in a good position to just lay and take deep breaths in and out.
Did you know that what you read, hear or see before falling asleep can influence your sleep and the next day? This is why parents read to their children at night or a student stays up late cramming for an exam as well as if you watched a scary movie before bed can cause you to have nightmares.
Makes sense right?

- Reflect- all the day’s events good or bad and the ugly. How did the day make you feel? Did your feelings create how your day transpired? Know that “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it is what really matters” This will determine what frequency you remain on.
- Review– these events that shaped that day to be what it was. Why, How and What happened to create the events that took place. Where could you make changes for next time?
- Acknowledge– the positive events as well as the negative. Don’t dwell on the negative but one must become aware of what caused the day to turn negative. Maybe it was traffic or a mean-spirited co-worker or it may be that you were the mean spirit walking around down and out bringing everyone else to your level. A negative vibe can ruin not only your day but everyone else around you which in turn causes chaos throughout your entire space.

Concentrate on the positive and acknowledge your successes throughout the day. Even a small as they might be. Be grateful and thankful for all accomplishments. eg) I am grateful for this paycheck, without it I would be homeless. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Repeat! or I am grateful I arrived safely to work today when the roads were so nasty. Ty, Ty, Ty
Visualize your entire next day to go as you expect. See yourself being the best version of you and accomplishing all tasks adequately. When you practice intention you broadcast it out to the whole world which in turn creates a positive frequency that can last all day.
#2 Wake up to a Positive Mindset and be Grateful
Wake up early and give yourself time to go over the accomplishments and successes that you were grateful and thankful for from the night before. Pour yourself a coffee, then begin your day saying, Today will be a great day because? I am …., I will….etc, etc. Your thoughts and feeling are all on a magnetic frequency. How you start your day will determine the outcome of your day.
“Life was never made to be Easy, If it were life would be Boring”

If you wake angry at your alarm or stubbing your toe on the bed or your dog threw up all over the house or you were caught in traffic then this is the frequency that will transpire through the day. Quickly change that negative to a positive. You can always change how you feel. Casting blame, fault, or complaining will result in a continuous train of disasters. You can remain mad at something or just let it go. Your choice.
List of my top books

#3 Set Goals and Schedule your day
Setting a goal is vital to success. All of us have a BIG goal in our mind that gives us a reason to live. Goals could be anything from a goal to get married by age 30 or to lose 20 lbs by summer or achieve financial success to be a millionaire in 5 yrs. Whatever your goal is, you must plan steps to get there, one step at a time. Knowing and planning what it takes to get you one step closer each day to your goal.

Scheduling your day allows you to know where and when to be at a certain point in the day to achieve your goal. Having a Daytimer on hand will keep you on track. Not having a plan or a schedule can lead to being overwhelmed and run out of time to accomplish the task. This may result in feeling stuck and unable to continue forward. Always give yourself enough time for each task.
#4 The Importance of Breakfast
Give yourself enough time in the morning for a well-balanced breakfast. It should consist of 20-35% of your daily intake and within 2 hours of waking. These vitamins and minerals are vital for brain function, energy, and all-around health. Skipping breakfast can cause fatigue, and leave you hungry for a quick fix making people prone to binge on sugary foods and unhealthy choices. A healthy breakfast may consist of :
- A bowl of oatmeal with fruit
- Whole-wheat toast with peanut butter with half a grapefruit
- An egg or two with WW toast
- High protein cereal with low sugar
- A smoothie, high in protein, veggies and low in natural sugars are best
- Healthy fat such as Avocados. Avocado Toast

#5 Schedule in a Workout
Fitness is always of grave importance in maintaining a healthy body. Scheduling a time anytime through the day is better than not at all. Studies have shown that going to the gym or a walk /run before or after work is not enough to combat the dangers associated with sitting on the job? So what do you do? Well, add some extra time to get up and move throughout the day as well. Maybe set an alarm clock for every hour and get up and move. Jog on the spot or climb a set of stairs at least 3- 5 min. If you can sneak in more do it. Bring some weights to work as well.

Photo credit to Pixabay
#6 Drink Water
Drink half your body weight in ounces each day. eg) If you are 150 lbs then you must drink 75 ounces of water per day. I found this hard as tap and bottled water would fill me up and I felt bloated. Till I discovered Alkaline water, with a PH of 8.5-9.5. Learn more about the benefits of drinking water.

#7 Know who you Are
It sounds simple but many people struggle with this. Knowing who you are can get you through anything that life throws at you. If we are secure in who we are, people who criticize, bully, blame, and so on at work or at home will not affect you. No one can control how you feel except for you. “If you can’t master your emotions, your emotions will master you”

- Self Esteem– How we feel about ourselves
- Self Worth– The value we put on ourselves. The personality traits that make us who we are.
- Self Concept– Who we think we are.

Having Faith doesn’t have to mean religion but faith in yourself. Faith to take action and believe in the process.
With Fear it can stop you, as well as be an excuse Not to DO It
#8 Make time for Breaks, Fresh air, and Sunshine
Breaks increase productivity and reduce emotional exhaustion. Take your lunch break, go for a walk outside. Just 10-15 minutes of sunshine per day can play a key role in your body’s health. Open your blinds, let the sun in. Light affects mood and it just might brighten up your day.

It takes 21-30 days to form a habit. Learn more
practical strategies with Atomic Habits
Keeping a journal and jotting down where you’ve been, what you have done, and what needs to get done is a great way to reflect and remember all that you have done. When I go out on my adventures I do so much I forget which was what so the journal I bring along helps me in so many ways.

* Don’t dwell on the past, it’s in the past.
Remember that everything that has happened whether good or bad in your life was a learning experience. The choices you made were made by you and no one else. Laying blame, casting anger, holding grudges is only hurting your ability to move on. Make peace and move on.
A great inspirational sticker for anywhere. Below
Thanks for sharing these amazing tips for a wonderful day!