15 Fun Outdoor Camping Games For Adults
|Do you like playing games while out camping with friends but short on ideas? Here are 15 Fun Outdoor Camping Games For Adults that are sure to please with alcohol or no alcohol. Many of these games can be DIY made at home as well.

#1 California Golf/Ladder Ball

2-3 players. Ladders spaced 15 ft apart. Each player throws their balls one by one in hopes to wrap around a colored peg. 3 points for Blue, 2 points for Red and 1 point for White. First player to 21 WINS.
#2 Bocce Ball

2-8 players. Team draws to throw the white ball called the (pallino) half way down the lane. Each team throws one ball as close to the white ball as you can. The ball closest after all ball thrown gets 1 point. Ends at 16.
#3 Ring Toss

Each team or player throws their chosen color, alternating turn until all rings are tossed. Follow points to winner.
#4 Croquet

Set up in desired pattern. Each player hits their colored ball through the pickets. First one through to hit the last stick WINS.
#5 Giant Jenga

Multiple players. Each player pulls one block, You can make your own rules by writing on a few of the blocks. Player who topples it over loses.
#6 Bean Bag Toss

2-4 players. Each team has 4 colored bean bags. Take turns throwing the bag on the board, one the board is 1 point, get it in the hole for 3 points. Points up to 21.
#7 Hammershloggin

Using soft wood such a Cottonwood, Spruce, Pine, Fir, Aspen. Cut into a large stump. Each player takes a hit with the Hammer (blacksmiths hammer) and (12/16d) nails.
Each player has a nail hammered 1/2 “into the stump. Players take turns using the narrow end to hit nail at each turn. First one to hit nail flush to surface wins.
#8 Glow in the Dark Lawn Darts

Place ring 40 ft distance. Throw darts to hit inside ring. 3 points inside, 2 points just outside ring and 1 point closest.
#9 Glow in the dark Frisbee

Everyone wears a glowstick necklace or wrist band and you throw the light-up Frisbee at the people wearing glowsticks across the field in the dark.
#10 Beer Darts

2 players. Using metal tip darts take turns throwing darts to opponents beer can on the ground.If a dart punctures top of can the player must shot gun the beer. If gets 3 punctures player must drink remaining beer.
#11 Flippy Cup

Multi player, 2 teams. Teams lineup across from opponents. Each player has a red solo cup and a drink. At GO first player on each team turns cup over to edge of table and tries to flip it to standing position. Once standing the next player will go and so one to last person. The team to finish first WINS.
#12 Beer Pong

Multi player, 2 teams. Set 10 cups as shown above. Each player on each end takes turns throwing ball into cups. If the ball ends up in cup the player on that end will drink whatever is in it or remove cup and drink a sip of their drink. To keep it clean fill with water and have a drink on hand. Remove cup from play and continue until all cups are out of play.
#13 Bunnock – Game of bones
Set bones 32 ft apart from parallel from opponent. Object of the game is to knock down your opponents row of bunnock down with the least amount of throws. Hitting the 20 soldiers down before the guards

#14 Spike Ball

2 on 2, Serve to hit ball off-net. You have 3 touches to hit the net. Miss you lose, and the other team gets a point.
#15 Washer Toss

2-4 Players. Each player will toss their washer at box. If washer is outside box it is 1 point, inside box 2 points and inside ring 3 points. Play to 21.
Some fun suggestions!
Great ideas! I am sure these will all be awesome backyard fun to have this summer. Thank you for sharing.